
Showing posts from May, 2022

Abortion: Why I fight for me

In every decision, argument, bill, law, etc. ever made there will always be two sides with differing opinions. Democracy thrives on this principle, and although many of us wish to silence the side we disagree with, I believe that a difference in opinions and the ability for those opinions to be heard strengthens moral character. The ability to hear two sides (our own and another), truly seek for understanding, and then make a decision, helps us either move closer to principles that are correct (should we be wrong in our opinion) or helps us in strengthening our personal resolve in our own opinions with new and added perspective (should we be right). So today, I wish to give my side of the coin. If you don't agree feel free to challenge it, like I said I believe that two opinions can be a great force for good in the world; a force for either changing hearts or strengthening our own personal resolve.  Abortion  Abortion is one of those topics where sometimes it is hard to know w...