
Showing posts from September, 2020

Societal Trends and the Family

"You do what's best for you", "be yourself", "I need to jump start my career before I start my family." These and other phrases are all phrases we have heard at one point or another; and while we understand them, and see the rationale behind them, it can lead us to wonder if our societies are starting to become more focused on the concept of me over we. Ok... so what, big deal, why does it matter? Would a society focused on the individual really hurt us? The answer is yes it would, today I will give you some examples of how only being focused on what we want instead of what is best for families, has grown into some major societal trends; trends that are harming families. Today will be more of a summary and over the next few weeks we will dive further into specific topics. 1st. A society focused on the individual has led to more premarital sex; often leaving children born to such couples being raised by one parent, or in some cases leading to decisions ...

About the Blog

  This blog will be focused on the most fundamental unit in our society; the family. Personally this blog will be an opportunity for me to share; what I am learning about the family, what I have seen modeled in a variety of families, and different actions, laws, attitudes etc. that can either help or harm families. I recognize that in regard to families there is often a variety of opinions on what constitutes a family and what is helpful for families. As we come with different perspectives I ask that we remain compassionate and respectful in sharing, and that we use the opportunity of commenting on the posts as a way to understand others, learn from others experiences and overall build a community that advocates for the constant need for strong, healthy and stable family systems.